We take practical, mutual aid style direct action. We work with our grassroots partners to uphold people’s rights and ensure people have what they need.

Museum of Homelessness trolley in lockdown 2


Before, during and since the pandemic we worked with grassroots partners including The Outside Project, Streets Kitchen and the Simon Community to form the COVID-19 Homeless Taskforce. Together we take practical actions such as food distribution, advocacy, and connecting people with legal and clinical support. This is a continuous part of what we do. Our approach is person centred, long term and unconditional.

David-Tovey-with-museum-of-homelessness- at-the-home-office


In the last decade homelessness has risen sharply in the UK. Inequality is rife and the responses in policy and legislation make things worse. This means that our community is often facing new difficulties and challenges. Whether it is excessive harassment from police and private security firms, racist hostile environment policies or discrimination at the hands of services, we seek to respond where we can. We work in partnership with a range of grassroots groups, larger charities and others to uphold people’s rights. Key partners in this work include Public Interest Law Centre and Liberty.

Knowledge is survival

Life-affirming knowledge, skills, and power thrive in many communities facing marginalisation, oppression, and injustice. Knowledge is Survival, our inaugural workshop series, brought together six groups focused on creative defiance and resistance against challenges like insecure housing, homelessness, and criminalisation. Each workshop leader worked with the Museum of Homelessness to produce a pamphlet, now available online for download and sharing.


"It's really made me think about who I am. I always used to feel like a foreigner here, but now after this I’m thinking of myself as part of this community in the UK."

Workshop Participant